Wilber GutierrezLogo Seeds

Wilber Gutierrez

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I am software engineering graduate since 2012 with more than 8 years of experience in the development mobile and backend solutions. Skill in several programming languages ​​(kotlin, java, c++/qt/qml, php) always making use of good programming practices. experience in the use of frameworks such as laravel, django. More than 17 years acting as sys-admin of gnu/linux and windows networks as well as in sql server, mysql and postgresql database systems. experienced in service virtualization with Proxmox and VMware. Always in favor of group work, I show a high level of response to pressure situations, easily adapting to changes


Mobile Developer


Experiencias relevantes

Freelance Software Developer

Entre 5 y 10 años
  • Developed an app called Bizne Mesero that allows you to receiveorders from restaurants affiliated with Bizne. Through this you canmanage customer orders for both consumption and delivery.
  • Built Lealtad Verde Apk. This solution is the official app oflealtadverde.com. It is an enterprise that seeks to achieve social andeconomic change for our society through recycling.
  • Developed Lealtad Verde Mantenimiento Apk. It is an android appdeveloped for the technical staff of maintenance of recycling machines.It shows the geographical location of the machines as well as theiroperation and technical state. The latter is also managed bynotifications through Firebase Cloud Messaging. Reference
  • Participated in the development of an android application thatallows the sending of thanks to whoever you want, creating a diplomaof appreciation that you can share as you wish: Facebook, WhatsApp,Twitter, email and more. Make it your gratitude portfolio and valueeach day the things to be thankful for. Include the location of yourthanks and add them to the thank you map. Reference
  • Collaborated full time in the development of the mobile application Funny Gifs for WhatsApp. Get the latest and most popular icons andanimations for free, to share with your friends, family and colleagues.Reference
  • Collaborated full time in the development of this mobile application Internet Speed Test Meter. A solution to measure the speed of internetconnection either through Wifi, 3G, 4G or LTE. Reference.


Engineer's degree Computer Science

UPR Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca
2006 a 2012

Licentiate degree, Accounting and Finance

UPR Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca
2000 a 2004