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Nahuel Krowicki

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Passionate about technology, the world of development and information security.

I like to teach, share knowlodge and learn new things!


Full-Stack Developer

Express Js

Experiencias Relevantes                                                                                                         

Frontend Developer - Wolox Part of Accenture

nov 2020 - current

  • Applications built using React, Redux, Router, Context, Hooks, React Hook Form.
  • Code review in all the projects I have worked on.
  • Application testing with Jest.

Technologies: JavaScript (ES6), Typescript, ReactJS, SCSS, CSS Modules.

Team coding's tools: ESLint, Prettier.

Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban.


  • Typescript: Types and Interfaces, Namespaces, Modules, Generics, External Libraries, Utility Types, Enums and Type Inference.
  • Some libraries used: apisause, auth0, cerealizr, dayjs, humanize-duration, i18n, react-hook-form, react-paginate, react-select, react-table, react-toast-notifications, reactjs-popup, etc.
  • Templates of emails on sendgrid platform

Owner - Nubedi

mar 2019 - current

We help and advise companies in the creation of digital strategies to achieve their objectives by optimizing the digital sector, from their website and online advertising to the management and administration of their social media.

  • Web development
  • E-Commerce
  • Writing and programming of content for social networks and blogs.
  • Creation, configuration and management of campaigns in Faceebook ads, Instagram ads and Google Ads.
  • Remarketing
  • Web Analytics with Google Analytics
  • Social Media Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Digital Reputation
  • Graphic design

Digital Project Leader - Feedback IT

mar 2019 - may 2021

Responsible for business digitization.

Analysis, design and implementation of digital solutions.

Define projects that will allow the client to optimize and modernize the different areas and processes of their business.

I developed the website with Gatsby + TailwindCSS.

Web Developer - Freelance

jul 2017 - jul 2019

Web development with JS, React and Firebase.

Manage and plan projects.

UI/UX Design.



Fundación Telefónica

CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate)

Fundación Proydesa
2015 - 2017

Fullstack Web Development
