Full-stack developer with more than 5 years involved in the entire software development lifecycle providing IT solutions implementing design patterns using JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, React Native. Contemplating the main architectures such as microservices, hexagonal architecture and DDD architecture. Aiming to contribute to building software solutions that impact people. Also involved in the creation and maintenance of infrastructure with AWS.
2021 - Present
Contribute in the areas of front, back and infrastructure.
Tech-Stack: React, React Native, Redux, StyledComponent, GraphQL, Apollo, NodeJS, Hapi.js, Cypress, Testing Library, AWS, Serverless, Lambda, EC2, S3
2020 - 2021
Participated in the elaboration of the architecture for cryptos exchange/sending/receiving.
Tech-Stack: Javascript, React, React Native, Redux, Sagas, Atomize, Css, NodeJS, TypeScript, Mongo, Docker, Jest, Testing Library.
2019 - 2020
Development for telephony and cable payments and recharges.
Tech-Stack: Javascript, React, Css, Less/Sass, Styled Component, Kubernetes, NodeJS, TypeScript, PostgreSQL
2016 - 2019
Paper Mill Management.
Tech-Stack: Javascript, SenchaExtjs, PHP, Css, NodeJS, SQLServer, Oracle.