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Matías Denda


I have more than 10 years of experience on software development. I'm working with Magento since 2013 and leading teams since 2014. I like to create self-managed teams, where any member knows what to do every time. I'm always looking for long terms and scalable solutions. Also, I'm very open to learn new technologies and to teach what I know.


Magento Developer

Problem Solving

Experiencias Relevantes                                                                                                         

Technical Leader - Acrons SRL

Aug 2019 - Current

Leading a team of 5 developers. In charge of the Migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 of Movistar Argentina

Senior Magento 2 Developer - Deviget LLC,

Oct 2018 - Current

Backend Developer working for https://www.waterworks.com/ In charge ofcreating a new Integration with an internal ERP using Mulesoft and RabbitMQ looking into performance and scalability. Besides several extensions development/maintenance, I developed 3 simple GoLang apps to run with AWS Lamda to crawl the site, and a Redis Cache Extension for Magento to replace Magento's FPC that can cache/skips blocks and pages by name, class or URL.

Freelance Senior Magento Developer, Technical Architect and PM - Freelance,

Jan2016 - Current

Working for several clients in Argentina, Canada and USA. In charge of code,deploy and flow of most of the projects. Mainly focused on Magento 1 and 2 projects.

Senior Magento Developer - Overdose Digital

Jun 2017 - May 2019, Auckland NewZealand

Backend Developer and main developer of several Magento 1 projects forcustomers all over New Zealand and Australia, mainly doing maintenance.

Senior Magento Developer and Technical Architect, Praxis IS,

Oct 2014 - Jul 2017

n charge of leading teams from 4 to 6 developers ensuring the quality of the codedelivered. The projects were on Magento 1 and Magento 2. As a backend developer I was in charge of creating and maintaining extensions for Magento 1 and 2.

Senior Magento Developer and Technical Leader - Summa Solutions,

Apr 2013 - Oct2014

In charge of leading a team of 5 developers for a Colombian Magento 1 project. The store was for one of the most important multimedia companies in Colombiaand was for selling discount coupons: from plane tickets to restaurants, food, appliances, beauty sessions, etc. The site had an insane amount of dailypurchases, something around 2k sells per hour, going up to 20k sells per hour on special discount days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. As the main developerI put my main focus on performance, going as deep as I could in the code in order to do it as faster as I can. I used several profiler tools, and developed the very firstversion of the Redis Cache. This version also cached MySQL calls.

Software Developer, Asante IT,

Aug 2011 - Apr 2013

Development of personalized versions of Chromium involving modifications in Chromium source code. Development of extensions and applications for Chrome/Chromium. One of the most challenging things I did, was the creation of a non-connection oriented protocol, based on the TCP/IP layer idea, but with 4layers, to allow long messages when using IPC. Coded on C++ using QT


Systems Engineer


Magento Developer Plus