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Karina Amado

La Plata, Argentina

I have a versatile profile, allowing me to engage in different roles within an organization. My best traits are: adaptability, self-management and the ability to lead through uncertainty. During the COVID-19 pandemic I found myself in leadership positions, adapting remote working skills for myself and my team, despite not being in the same country. I have shifted through 3 different industries (Capital Markets, Public Health and Life Sciences). I currently remain as an independent consultant, a good challenge is my greatest motivation, anything that spikes my learning curve and takes me beyond my comfort zone. I define myself as an “entrepreneur in the organization”.


Financial Consultant

Due dilligence

Experiencias Relevantes                                                                                                         

Head of Finance and Accounting - YVY Life Sciences (Uruguay)

2021 - 2022

  • Leading a team of 3 collaborators, working in a start-up environment to build the Finance Dept, designing protocols and procedures for the regional expansion of the company from operations in one country (Uruguay) to a regional model (Uruguay, Argentina and Colombia) and 5 different lines of business (CBD and THC based products and Cannabis Tourism Hub).
  • Design and create Investor Decks and company brochures for fundraising.
  • Create monthly and quarterly financial reports for distribution to executives and to the Holding Company. Preparation of Cash Flow, P&L and Balance Sheet. Creation and follow-up of financial KPIs and OKRs.
  • Cost analysis and accounting, previously inexistant, implementing efficiency policies that allowed for a 14% YoY reduction in production costs between 2020 and 2021.
  • Plan, coordinate and control Treasury, Accounting and Cash Flow activities. Payment to suppliers, employees, etc.
  • Plan the company’s regional Annual Budget (3 countries) and oversee the monthly evolution of expenses.
  • Calculate pluriannual financial projections for the company’s regional model, based on multiple assumptions: inflation index, international cannabis prices, output performance, legislation changes, etc.
  • Elaborate specific reports for upper management as per market evolution and the LATAM macroeconomic context, analyzing export opportunities and the positioning of the company’s various cannabis products.
  • Financial analysis to provide management with relevant information for decision-making.
  • LATAM experience in legislation, tax compliance, labor laws, etc.
Finance and Budget Coordinator - Health Ministry (Argentina)

2020 - 2021

  • Calculate reference prices for the purchase of pharmaceuticals by the Argentine Federal Government with a team of 3 people.
  • Calculate logistics costs pertaining to the Remediar Program, distributing pharmaceuticals to 8,100 Public Health facilities and hospitals throughout Argentina’s 24 provinces.
  • Planification and control of the Federal Government’s Annual Budget for the provision of pharmaceuticals to the Public Health System in Argentina.
  • Elaborate financial and Budget information to the Health Ministry’s Federal Cannabis Program. Purchase and distribution of cannabidiol to the 6,000+ patients registered in the country’s public record AKA “Reprocann”.
Deputy Finance Director - IOMA Health Insurance (Argentina).

2018 - 2019

  • Chief of staff, coordinating the activities for a team of 5 specialists.
  • Manage an Annual Budget of 1.2 billion dollars and provide health insurance to over 2 million members (IOMA is Argentina’s second largest health insurance organization).
  • Oversee the activities of 400+ employees within the Finance Dept. made up of 5 divisions: Accounting Treasury, Purchase and Infrastructure.
  • Elaborate financial reports for the Finance Director and other areas of the organization.
  • Monitor KPIs and build IOMA’s financial dashboard for strategic planning.
  • Hired 10 people over a 12-month period; taking interviews and organizing the recruitment and selection process.
Capital markets consultant - Freelance

2009 - 2014

  • Elaborate customized financial, economic and political reports for institutional investors from Europa and USA, supplying relevant information for investment decisions.
  • Liaison between investors and the Government (Federal and Sub-sovereign) pertaining to investment operations.
Financial analyst - Economy Ministry

1999 - 2008

  • Carry out the institutional communication strategy during the Province’s Debt Restructuring Process (2003-2005), an operation worth 2.7 billion dollars.
  • Liaison between the sub-sovereign government and various financial markets stakeholders: bondholders, hedge funds, rating agencies, analysts, journalists, etc.
  • Member of the team that successfully completed 25/33 public bond placements in international capital markets between 1999-2001. Participation in due diligence, with investment Banks, preparing Offering Memorandums and other legal documents pertaining to the issuance, financial analysis of the bonds’ terms and conditions, etc.
  • Elaborate reports and presentations for public officers participating in Road Shows and business meetings with stakeholders

  • Strong analytical skills
  • Leadership and organization
  • Creativity
  • Sense of humor
  • I was brought up in America (where I went to elementary school) and moved to Argentina.


Bachelor in Business Administration

Master in Health Economics

Master in Health Economics
